GDS Bulk Shipping Inc. Lighting Text and Cookie Policy

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The aforementioned clarification text and its annexes are provided by the data controller GDS BULK DENİZCİLİK A.Ş. (“GDS BULK and PROJECT CHARTERING”) has been prepared by GDS BULK in the context of fulfilling the obligation to inform in the capacity of Data Controller regulated in Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (“KVKK”).


GDS BULK SHIPPING INC. As (Data Controller), your personal data below is processed, stored and protected in accordance with the principles set forth in article 4 of the KVKK and the conditions set forth in article 5 and article 6 of the KVKK;

Your Contact and Identity Information: Your name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, gender, nationality, Turkish identity number, photo, professional experience information, job and title information,your business address, telephone number,signature and e-mail address.

Your Customer Information: Your contract information,work images, company information, tax information, bank account details, profession, vehicle information, information obtained within the scope of legal transactions, tax number, information regarding your instructions, requests and complaints, your preferences and habits regarding our products and services.  Your photos and footage.

We would like to enlighten you as the Data Controller (“GDS BULK DENİZCİLİK A.Ş.”) within the scope of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.

1. Personal Data Collection Method and Legal Reason 
Your personal data; identify “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person” collected in physical and electronic media for the purpose and scope specified in this clarification text. Your personal data is “explicitly stipulated in the law” specified in Article 5 of the Law, “provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract”, “personal data processing is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation. It is processed on the basis of legal reasons such as "personal data processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right" and "data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights of the data subject".  In the absence of at least one of the legal reasons stated, your explicit consent will be asked for personal data processing. You can find the cases where your explicit consent is asked in the "Explicit Consent Form".

2. Purposes of Processing Personal Data 
Your collected personal data will be processed for the following purposes;                                                                                                                                                     

  • activities in accordance with the legislation,
  • finance and accounting activities,
  • Follow-up and execution of legal affairs,
  • Carrying out internal audit
  • Conducting communication activities,
  • Planning of human resources processes,
  • Execution/supervision of business activities,
  • Carrying out occupational health / safety activities,
  • logistics activities,
  • goods/service purchasing processes,
  • after-sales support services for goods/services,
  • customer relationship management processes,
  • Carrying out activities for customer satisfaction,
  • Organization and event management,
  • Conducting marketing analysis studies,
  • advertisement/campaign/promotion processes,
  • Carrying out storage and archiving activities,
  • Conducting social responsibility and civil society activities,
  • contract processes,
  • strategic planning activities
  • Follow-up of requests/complaints,

However, if you give us your consent for the processing of your personal data, your personal data in question can be customized in line with your needs and preference, measuring your satisfaction with products and services, developing and diversifying our products and services in line with your preferences and needs, providing the services of the company and its subsidiaries and affiliates. It will also be processed for the purposes of promoting and giving information about its activities, conducting marketing analysis studies, performing personalized campaigns, advertisements and promotions.
3. Transfer of Personal Data:
In some cases, your personal data processed by us, in the country and / or abroad, primarily to inform authorized persons, institutions and organizations, to carry out contract processes and activities in accordance with the legislation, to carry out strategic planning activities, to carry out commercial processes, 8 and 9 of the KVKK. We can share it with our business partners, suppliers, customers, shareholders, consultants, auditors, lawyers, accountants, authorized public institutions and natural persons or private law legal entities in accordance with the provisions of national and international legislation its articles.

4. Your Rights as Personal Data Owner

  • Learning whether your personal data is processed,
  • If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose,
  • To learn third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred in the country or abroad.
  • Requesting the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring processing are eliminated, although it has been processed in accordance with the KVKK and other relevant law provisions, and requesting the notification of the transaction made within this scope to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,
  • Objecting to this if a result arises against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

You can submit your applications regarding your listed rights to the company administration by filling out the application form on Your request will be concluded free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest. If the transaction subject to your request requires an additional cost, you may be charged a fee according to the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.


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